9 Extremely Specific Tics You Never Noticed In Famous Actors

6. George Clooney's Charming Head Tilt

Tom Hardy Bug Eyes.jpg
Warner Bros.

Pick a George Clooney movie – any George Clooney movie will do – and you’re all but guaranteed to witness his patented head tilt. This will usually happen when he’s being super charming to a lady, where he’ll be explaining something and at a key moment his head will turn to the right a little – commonly backed with a cute grin - to melt their hearts (and that of the audience too).

George has used less of the head tilt – seen in the likes of Out Of Sight, From Dusk Till Dawn, Ocean’s Eleven – in recent years, but it’s still a recognisable part of his bag of tricks. It even cropped up in Gravity, which is impressed given the fact he was wearing a space helmet at the time.

Also common is the head wobble, where he’ll be delivering a dramatic speech and his head will shake around like a bobble head doll in the middle of an earthquake. Less charming that one.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.