9 Movie Heroes Who Stupidly Turned Evil For The Sequel

8. John Connor - Terminator: Genisys

Terminator Genisys John Connor.jpg
Paramount Pictures

The seed of this twist seems to go back to the abandoned original ending for Terminator: Salvation, where John Connor would have died in the climax and the resistance would then graft his skin onto the Marcus character. Marcus - being a Terminator and all - would then turn evil and proceed to murder everybody, meaning Skynet has won and humanity is doomed; a nice, cheery ending then.

That idea of an evil John Connor was recycled for Genisys, and in the right hands maybe it could have worked; after all, it’s pretty dramatic to have the supposed saviour of mankind turn to the side of the machines. Unfortunately, between Jason Clarke’s ultra-hammy performance and the film’s overall inability to make you care about any of the characters, the whole thing came across as a mess.

It doesn’t help that Genisys doesn’t even bother explaining the purpose of Skynet turning John into a machine, a plot point it was no doubt saving for future sequels; sequels that likely won’t happen now.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.