9 Movie Heroes Who Stupidly Turned Evil For The Sequel

7. Ug - Critters 4

Terminator Genisys John Connor.jpg
New Line Cinema

While Critters is fondly remembered by people from a certain generation, it’s essentially the Pepsi to Gremlins' Coke; one is clearly superior to the other. That might explain why nobody really talks about the series anymore, other than to make fun of Leonardo DiCaprio for making his screen debut in the third movie.

The movies followed the adventures of a group of characters fighting some hairy, man-eating creatures, with a shape-shifting bounty hunter named Ug leading the extermination in the first two movies. He returns again in the fourth outing – the one set in space – only this time he’s been given a dramatic personality makeover; he’s now an evil suit willing to kill innocent people to protect the critters.

It’s a heel turn that comes out of nowhere, considering his status in the originals, and while it’s supposed to be sad when the series hero has to kill his old friend, it doesn’t register since he barely appears to be the same character anymore.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.