9 Movie Prequels That Revealed Genuine Surprises

5. The Origin Of Santanico Pandemonium - From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter

First Class Crippled

There wasn’t much hope for From Dusk Till Dawn 3 after the second film, which was a tacky straight to DVD mess. Surprisingly this prequel had some merit, by slowing revealing the history of one of the most important characters in the series.

The story follows some outlaws while they take shelter at a whorehouse, alongside the kidnapped daughter of the local hangman. When he turns up to rescue her things get bloody; they get even bloodier when they all realise the inn is a vampire nest. The survivors band together to survive, until it’s revealed the daughter is half vampire, and she’ll eventually become Santanico Pandemonium from the first movie.

The Hangman's Daughter is smart in how it doles this information out; it doesn’t appear to have any direct ties to the other movies besides the vampires, only for everything to slot into place by the end. It’s not a patch on the Tarantino-scripted original of course, but it gets points for trying.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.