9 Movie Prequels That Revealed Genuine Surprises

4. The Engineers Created Human Life - Prometheus

First Class Crippled
20th Century Fox

The Space Jockey was one of the big mysteries in the Alien franchise, and Ridley Scott had said for years if he ever returned he would explore their origins. There were also numerous fan theories about the Jockey, and speculation his race created the aliens as a weapon.

Their questions were sorted of answered by Prometheus, which revealed the Jockey is from a group of beings known as the Engineers. They were indeed responsible for the creation of the alien, but even more shockingly, they created the human race too.

Their hatred for humanity drives part of the plot since the parents of the human race are very disappointed with how we turned out; they probably read the YouTube comments section. This revelation expands the mythology of the series wider, showing the alien was just a small part of it and that - in a cosmic sense - so are we. Let’s see where Scott takes the story next in Alien: Covenant.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.