9 Ridiculous Upcoming Cinematic Universes

6. The Call Of Duty Cinematic Universe

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The only shocking thing about the idea of a Call Of Duty movie is that it took so long to happen; gamers have been addicted to the series for over a decade, and it’s already intensely cinematic. Activision has refused offers to adapt the series in the past, claiming they didn’t want to dilute their brand; but since there’s always more money to be made, they’re now ready to give it a try.

Details about the planned movies are thin on the ground with no cast or director announced, but, since the series has attracted plenty of big name actors in the past (Gary Oldman, Idris Elba, Kevin Spacey) and directors like Guy Ritchie have helmed live action promos, don’t be surprised to see the movies become star-studded affairs.

There’s also plenty of story material to be mined from the Modern Warfare and Black Ops series, and it’s unlikely anybody would complain if a Nazi Zombie spin-off happened either.


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