9 “Shocking” Movie Twists Fans Figured Out Before Seeing The Movie

2. The Story Is Set In The Present - The Village

You might feel sorry for M. Night Shyamalan, who was built up to impossible expectations like being labeled the next Spielberg or Hitchcock, but he sure didn€™t help himself. He made a series of increasingly terrible movies (Lady In The Water, The Happening, The Last Airbender), kept up the ego stroking cameos and even his trademark twists were only shocking for how poor they were. The first real sign of trouble was his mystery thriller The Village, about an isolated community in the 19th Century surrounded by a forest filled with monsters. By then most audiences knew M. Night would try to sneak a twist in, and were actively looking for it. The first twist is that there are no monsters, only villagers who dress that way to keep the others afraid and compliant. The second - and one that€™s really obvious the more the story drags on €“ is the movie was set in modern times all along. It€™s a dumb twist that only gets dumber the more you think about it, but if the movie had been a bit more enjoyable maybe it wouldn€™t have made people so angry.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.