9 Superhero Movies That (Unfortunately) Didn't Get Made

7. Tim Burton's Catwoman

Before you get all up in arms about my wishing a Catwoman film had been made, hear me out. The astronomical failure that was 2004's Catwoman has forever left a bad taste in the mouths of geeks and general audiences everywhere, but a far more interesting idea had been thrown around over a decade earlier with director Tim Burton. After Burton struck gold with 1989's Batman, he started working on the sequel, 1992's Batman Returns. Warner Bros. had so much confidence in the film that they hired its writer, Daniel Waters, to start working on a solo Catwoman movie. Waters seemed a perfect fit for the project, having wrote the brilliant film Heathers, and turned in his script in 1995. The story involved Catwoman, who had survived the events of Batman Returns, retreating to a spa that was run by and for superpowered heroes and villains. It's completely bonkers and is more satire than superhero adventure, but would undoubtedly have been better than the crapfest that was eventually made. Or, at least, more entertaining. Tim Burton threw around the idea of directing before moving on to other things, and Michelle Pfieffer was even contractually obligated to return. With time, WB lost interest in the project and decided to refrain from a spinoff in favor of a standalone film further down the line. Though we will never see this film made, you can still read Waters' script in its entirety here.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website, www.thereeljames.wordpress.com