9 Upcoming Movies That Already Have Sequels In Development

3. Star Wars: Episode VIII

Assassin's Creed 2 Fassbender.jpg

Release Date: December 15, 2017

The Sequel Already In Development: Star Wars: Episode IX

Star Wars movies come in trilogies; it's been that way from the very beginning. It's not all that surprising that the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VIII already has a sequel in development as a result: the tentatively titled Episode IX has been scheduled for a release in 2019, two years after its predecessor is unveiled in 2017.

Rian Johnson is shooting Episode VIII at this very moment, of course, whilst Episode IX is set to be helmed by Colin Trevorrow, the lucky guy who - thus far - has been afforded the opportunity to direct both a Jurassic Park flick and a Star Wars movie after making one amicable indie film. What's next, Indiana Jones?

As I said, it's not particularly shocking to learn that Episode IX is in development because we've always known that Disney were making a third trilogy. What's more intriguing, I think, is pondering where the studio are going to go next, after Episode IX is over and done with. Another new trilogy, perhaps? It's certainly a possibility, but it doesn't seem quite "right."

Sure, there will be spin-offs galore for as many years as you can count, but the future of Star Wars - like, the future future - is still something of a mystery.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.