9 Ways Suicide Squad Will Redeem The DC Movie Universe

6. David Ayer's Direction

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© ANDREW COWIE/epa/Corbis

It would be a mistake to label David Ayer a sorely underrated director since his output can be very hit and miss. End Of Watch and Fury were tough, character led action movies while Street Kings and Sabotage – while fun in places – were pretty messy.

That said, he might just be the most exciting thing to happen to the DC movie universe in a long time. He’s more than comfortable directing large ensemble casts and he has a real knack for framing action; plus, he has a particular vision and he’s not some weak-willed director who will let a studio dictate what his movie will be. 

It might be a DC movie, but it will definitely have David Ayer’s stamp on it.

The previews have shown he’s already injected his own distinct style, from a reluctant team working together through a battle – in this case, a supernatural one – to The Joker’s new look. This may not please everybody, but at the very least it won’t be a samey knock-off of another hit movie. 


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.