9 Ways Suicide Squad Will Redeem The DC Movie Universe

5. It Will Set Up The Batman / Joker Conflict


By all accounts Batman won’t play much of a role in Suicide Squad, and while the events of the film will no doubt have an impact on future stories the character himself will be a cameo at best. It’s still significant this will be the first live-action film since The Dark Knight that will feature Batman and The Joker together, and we’ll no doubt get a further insight into their relationship; after all, their eternal conflict is probably the most famous in the all of comics.  

Batman V Superman already established The Joker did something – presumably nasty - to Robin in the past, and Suicide Squad will almost surely flesh this out.  The two characters will have to come to blows in a solo Batman adventure at some stage, and Suicide Squad will be the teaser that will draw people back for more.

Dawn Of Justice might have been a disappointment to many, but nearly everyone agrees Ben Affleck made for a great Batman / Bruce Wayne. When combined with Leto’s crazed take on The Joker, sparks are sure to fly in the DC movie universe. 


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.