9 Ways Suicide Squad Will Redeem The DC Movie Universe

4. It Will Feature Some Cracking Action

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Warner Bros.

For a movie that set up not only an epic duel between two beloved heroes but also a city wrecking fight involving them, Wonder Woman and Doomsday, the action in Dawn Of Justice sure was forgettable.

There was no real emotional connection between the characters and the audience for one, meaning the relentless destruction meant nothing; and when the most memorable moment is Batman smashing Superman over the head with a sink, something has gone desperately wrong. Ayer has shown in the past he has a flair for shooting memorable action scenes, and the Suicide Squad trailers show this skill hasn’t abandoned him.

Helicopter dogfights, shootouts, and car chases are some of the set-pieces we can look forward to, and there isn’t a crumbling building or CGI cave troll in sight.

If the movie manages to make us like the characters and actually give a damn about who lives – the team name obviously suggests not everyone will make it – then the action will be all the more involving.  


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.