9 Ways Suicide Squad Will Redeem The DC Movie Universe

3. Jared Leto's Joker

Joker Suicide Squad.jpg
Warner Bros.

The casting of The Joker is always a big deal; while everyone was onboard with the idea of Jack Nicholson in Batman, fans complained when both Mark Hamill and Heath Ledger were cast for The Animated Series and The Dark Knight respectively, only to suddenly go very quiet when they actually saw them in action. 

Jared Leto’s casting was no less contentious, and the first look at his character – complete with tattoos and a grill on his teeth – did little to quiet down complaints. Footage of Leto in action shows he’s putting his own twisted spin on the character, however, and he’s more than aware of the pressure he’s under to live up to the legacy of the character.

Let’s not forget that Leto is an Oscar-winning actor, and reports of his behaviour on set – including remaining in character the entire time and sending dead rats as “gifts” to his co-stars – prove he’s going to give fans a version of Joker they’ve never seen before.

That alone should be enough to draw curious fans on opening day.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.