9 Worst Motion Captured Performances

6. Jamie Bell - Fantastic Four

Hulk Rocket

Jamie Bell’s casting as The Thing certainly raised a few eyebrows. Ben Grimm is a burly, gruff sort of chap, qualities that hardly flow from Bell. Still, he was an intriguing choice and surely an actor with his talent would bring something to it.

Since we now know that Fantastic Four 2015 was a conceptual disaster from an early stage, it’s no shock Bell couldn’t salvage it. He’s not convincing as the “muscle” to Reed Richards brain in the early stages of the story, so when he turns into a giant rock monster things only get worse.

Maybe Josh Trank thought it would be startling to hear Bell’s gentle voice coming from this rocky monstrosity, instead of hilarious. It’s the same thing with The Thing's sad puppy dog eyes combined with his sullen expression.

The Thing never feels like a powerful, coiled up beast waiting to strike; he feels like an actor doing his best to make an ill-conceived casting decision work, and hide his embarrassment about it.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.