Alien: Covenant - 20 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

6. The Prologue Chest-Burster Nod

Alien Covenant The Last Supper

Though the Prologue isn't included in the final film (it should be, because it helps add colour to the cast), it includes its own Easter Eggs and nods.

The scene around the mess table that precedes the crew heading off into cryo-sleep is very much reminiscent of the famous "last supper" scene in Alien, and Callie Hernandez's character choking is a very obvious nod to Kane's chest-burster scene, complete with Tennessee joking "the food's not that bad" just as Parker did.

As a chilling moment of foreshadowing, James Franco's Branson says he's going to his stasis pod early because he's "burning up", which is given a sinister note when that's exactly how he dies when his pod malfunctions in the wake of the neutrino energy burst.


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