Alien: Covenant - 20 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

4. The Other Blade Runner Gag

Blade Runner Nail Hand
Warner Bros.

In the climactic - but short-lived - fight scene between Daniels and David, she uses the beloved nail that hangs around her neck as a reminder of her husband's dream of building a lakeside shack for them both - to stab David in the chin. He barely flinches, but creepily says "that's the spirit".

This is a direct redo of the fight scene in Blade Runner between Batty and Deckard. That film also includes impalement on a nail, but it's Batty who does it to himself. More importantly, when Deckard fights him back and gets a few choice hits in with a weapon, Batty mocks him with the same "that's the spirit" line.


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