Alien: Covenant - 20 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

2. "You Son Of A Bitch"

During the climactic battle between Katherine Waterston's Daniels and the first Xenomorph on the outside of the rescue ship, the alien is trapped in the bucket of a crane and squashed to its death. Celebrating, Daniels says "I got you, you son of a bitch" as a call-back to Ellen Ripley using the same phrase in Alien to mark her escape from the Nostromo and its alien invader.

In both cases, these victories prove to be false endings, with another fight yet to be fought.

Interestingly, the "son of a bitch" phrase was a favourite of Ridley Scott's in Alien: Parker uses it twice, demanding "What about our lives, you son of a bitch?" to Ash and calling the alien itself a huge "son of a bitch" later. And of course in Aliens, Ripley calls the Queen a bitch, so the Xenomorphs literally are the sons of a bitch.

And as a nod to wider monster movie lore, in Jaws, Roy Scheider's Brody also says "Smile you son of a bitch!" as he's about to kill the shark. Clearly it's the go-to insult when you beat a monster up.


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