Alien Covenant Sequel: 10 Things It Must Do

8. Strike A Balance Between Theology And Horror

alien covenant michael fassbender
20th Century Fox

Prometheus was essentially a two-hour theology lecture with sci-fi elements thrown in for added engagement. It divided fans, but none can dispute its depth.

The movie posed important existential questions and many fans left cinemas in heated debate about where we came from; although others probably stormed to the ticket counter to demand a refund, citing a lack of Xenomorphs as their chief complaint.

In what was blatantly a kneejerk reaction to Prometheus’ deflated box office takings, Covenant scaled back the theology and replaced it with vintage Alien horror.

As much as we enjoy seeing a Chestburster exploding out of its hapless victim’s stomach, the tonal contrast between Prometheus and Covenant was almost jarring - David’s disposal of the Engineers felt like a quick fix to return the series to lighter territory, as did Elizabeth Shaw’s off-screen death.

Covenant’s follow-up would do well to add more scope to the Alien formula by bringing back the theological components, albeit mixed in with classic sci-fi- horror.

Let's say Prometheus is a Facehugger. Covenant should be its host and the next sequel the entity with aspects of both which bursts out from within.


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