Alien Covenant Sequel: 10 Things It Must Do

6. Explain Why Covenant's Xenomorph Looks Different To Alien’s

alien covenant michael fassbender
20th Century Fox

The Xenomorph which burst onto the scene in Covenant was cut from the same extra-terrestrial cloth as its counterpart in the original Alien, but there are some striking differences between the two star beasts.

Eagle-eyed Covenant viewers may have noticed that the big bad in the latest prequel is free of biomechanical elements - it’s an all-organic entity.

Presumably its evolution is set to continue in the next movie, but where do the mechanical aspects of the creature design come from?

Does David figure out a way to incorporate himself into his creation?

We’ve never seen a Facehugger attempt to orally impregnate a synthetic so far, but assuming this isn’t physically impossible, it could explain how the final Xenomorph design came to be.


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