Alien Covenant Sequel: 10 Things It Must Do

5. Retain Covenant’s Surviving Crew Members

alien covenant michael fassbender

Katherine Waterston’s Daniels and Danny McBride’s Tennessee made it through to the end of Covenant alive… just about.

The last we see of the pair they’re entering stasis along with their fellow colonists ahead of the journey to LV-223, at the mercy of the diabolical David.

Their fate looks well and truly sealed, but let’s hope at least one of them survives long enough to see another sequel.

Neither were particularly memorable characters - Daniels was basically a diluted Ripley, and who on earth put Danny McBride in charge of a colonisation ship?

However, the idea of sending yet another spacecraft full of astronauts to investigate the fate of a vessel that’s fallen in extra-terrestrial peril is too formulaic to stomach.


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