Alien Covenant Sequel: 10 Things It Must Do

3. Leave Us With Fewer Unanswered Questions

alien covenant michael fassbender

Prometheus left us with approximately 2,045 unanswered questions to ponder, and rather than put these matters to bed, Covenant decided to pose a few more.

Granted the latest prequel left much better questions behind than its predecessor, but the next instalment should set about trimming away these dangling plot threads.

One of the biggest issues with Prometheus was that it didn’t stand alone. The answers to the questions it asked are pretty much essential to the story, but many are on the verge of becoming redundant since its follow-up chose to ignore them.

If Covenant’s sequel plans on pulling a similar trick and sending us off on another tangent, it should least have the decency to work as a movie in its own right, rather than rely on another sequel to make it relevant.


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