Alien Covenant Sequel: 10 Things It Must Do

2. Feature At Least One Chest-Bursting Scene

alien covenant michael fassbender
20th Century Fox

Granted, it’s nothing we hadn’t seen before but the return of chest-bursting monstrosities in Covenant is what made the film. It simply wouldn’t have been an Alien movie without these scenes.

Nobody likes the thought of being chased around the corridors of a dark spacecraft by an acid-bleeding creature, but it’s the concept of men giving birth that makes the Alien films so terrifying.

We’re not talking about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Junior here - although that was horrific in an entirely different way - this is abject violation followed by the kind of unnatural birth that results in a grisly fatality.

These scenes are unsettling to watch and not for the faint of heart, but they’re what separates the Alien films from your run-of-the-mill sci-fi fodder and it would be shame if Covenant’s follow-up jettisoned them into deep space.


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