Arnold Schwarzenegger: Every Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

23. The Expendables 3 (2014)

The Expendables 3 marked a huge creative misstep for the nostalgia-based franchise; as well as inexplicably deciding to focus on a charisma-free batch of younger characters at the expense of the action icons that audience wanted to see, the PG-13 rating completely neutered the action scenes, rendering them largely dull and bloodless. That being said, the extended climax results in plenty of fan-pleasing moments. Schwarzenegger only has less than ten minutes of screentime in the entire movie, but it is clear that the Austrian Oak is enjoying himself immensely. Smoking cigars, wearing questionable shirts and dispensing one-liners whenever he appears, the movie also gives us the sight of Arnie laughing maniacally as he fires a minigun from a helicopter being piloted by Harrison Ford. And who didn't crack a smile when he kicks in a door and barks 'get to the choppa!' at the assembled Expendables?

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