Arnold Schwarzenegger: Every Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

20. Maggie (2015)

In a most unusual but nonetheless refreshing career move, Arnold Schwarzenegger unexpectedly signed on to a post-apocalyptic zombie drama, and gives what may be the best acting performance of his entire career in the process. While Maggie fails to make the most of its interesting premise, it remains an effective enough family drama with genre trappings. Completely dropping the knowing one-liners and descents into self-parody that have become his hallmarks in the last decade, Arnie instead plays the character of protective father Wade dead straight, giving a turn that is restrained and heartfelt, exposing a new side of his big-screen persona. While the rest of the movie suffers from such a relentlessly downbeat tone, it is greatly elevated by the two central performances form Schwarzenegger and Abigail Breslin.

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