Arnold Schwarzenegger: Every Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

19. Twins (1988)

The world's biggest action star made his first foray into comedy in Ivan Reitman's Twins, a high-concept hit that earned over $215m at the box office and saw the Austrian Oak make increasingly regular forays into more light-hearted territory. While its hardly a classic by any means, this charming and often humorous comedy remains something of a cult favorite over 25 years later. Arnie proved surprisingly adept at shedding the action hero image to drop jokes instead of bodies, with his thick accent and hulking frame an entertaining contrast to the fast-talking schtick of diminutive New Jersey native Danny DeVito. Twins' easygoing, enthusiastic nature has seen it develop a life as one of those movies that you usually end up watching if you catch it on TV when channel-hopping.

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