Arnold Schwarzenegger: Every Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Predator (1987)

A movie of two halves, John McTiernan's classic starts out as your average 1980's macho shoot-em-up, before dropping a dreadlocked extra-terrestrial into the mix with incredibly violent results. A year before Die Hard, McTiernan established himself as a director to keep an eye on as he seamlessly merged both story elements to craft a classic of both the action and sci-fi genres. Armed with one of the most testosterone-fueled casts ever assembled, the narrative sees them picked off one by one with increasingly grisly results, until only Arnold Schwarzenegger's mud-covered Dutch remains. Scary, suspenseful, action-packed and endlessly quotable, Predator combines old-school action with cutting-edge special effects to deliver a powerhouse genre movie of the highest quality.

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