Avengers 4: 11 Insane Trailer Rumours You Need To See

2. The Hulk Now Has Bruce Banner's Normal Voice

Hulk Thor Ragnarok
Marvel Studios

It's as certain as anything that The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) will finally return to the fold after sitting out most of Infinity War. Indeed, rumours indicate that we'll see some trailer money shots of the big green dude falling from the sky to meet up with Iron Man, while preparing to do battle with Thanos.

More to the point, the trailer's final stinger will feature a gag in which The Hulk is training at Avengers HQ with Black Widow and Cap. Cap talks to Hulk, who responds by mentioning his upcoming "rematch" with Thanos, with the kicker being that he speaks in his regular Banner voice.

Numerous rumours have stated that the film will explore the duality of Hulk and Banner and likely conclude with Banner finally mastering total control over The Hulk. Furthermore, after Thor: Ragnarok saw him become more intelligible, it feels like a natural progression that he might ultimately speak as Banner by the end of A4.

Then again, would Marvel dare spoil such a potentially killer gag in a trailer this far out? Hmmm.

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