Avengers 4: EVERY Major Rumour Ranked Worst To Best

22. Nova Could Appear

Nova Marvel
Marvel Comics

The Rumour

Because we saw the (implied) devastation of Xandar and the presumed destruction of the Nova Corps, Infinity War quickly inspired rumours that Nova would appear in the follow-up. After all, his origin story includes the destruction of his planet and people, so it would definitely fit.


It's probably no more than wishful thinking at this stage. There's no reason to suspect we won't get to see the destruction of Xandar later in a flashback within a Nova movie, but introducing him in Avengers 4 would be like announcing him over white noise.

When Captain Marvel is already incoming and the agenda is apparently to focus more closely on the original Avengers, adding another new character to the mix now would be illogical.

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