Avengers: Infinity War - 11 More Characters' Fates Revealed (And What They Mean)
7. Shuri
Status: UNKNOWN (but probably ALIVE)
Again, Joe Russo says her status is a spoiler, which suggests that she's involved in Avengers 4 and is thus still alive, even though we don't see for certain either way at the climax of Infinity War's Wakanda sequence.
Without a leader in the wake of T'Challa's death, Wakanda will need someone to step in and sit on their throne. That person could well be Shuri, who has been mentioned as a possible replacement for her brother already and who followed that track in the comics.
She might not have the Heart-Shaped Herb behind her, but she has genius to rival anyone in the MCU and tech-abilities to make even Tony Stark look like a mere tinkerer.
Read why she could become the new Black Panther here.