Bad Education Review: 5 Ups & 1 Down


5. Hugh Jackman's Charming, Vulnerable Performance

Bad Education Hugh Jackman

It's been long enough since Logan for people to start recognizing just how talented Hugh Jackman is, and his work here is a testament to how excellent he is. The script makes Frank into someone that has to be expertly charming, manipulative, endlessly passionate, and utterly vulnerable depending on what is needed from him.

Jackman nails this role because he never allows Frank to become a caricature. This isn't someone who takes money because he doesn't respect others or because he's a greedy man, but rather someone who got swept up in what luxury is allowed through this excess money. Playing into his sense of vanity and the persona he wishes to exude, he's hopelessly addicted to the lifestyle he never should've had.

Jackman ensures that this character isn't just a parasite though, as the clear drive and determination to make his school the top school in the nation isn't exactly false. These are the moments where Jackman shines most as he represents the educators who often get swept away in people's memories after they go on to future successes. Who knows what the real Frank Tassone was like, but Hugh Jackman ensures the film version is a three-dimensional educator who's truly caring, but ultimately gets corrupted by his own greed and self-confidence issues.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.