Batman V Superman: 10 Other Movie Mashups We’d Love To See
6. Gandalf V Dumbledore
To supplement Voldemort Vs Sauron, Jackson should be approached to direct the prequel Gandalf V Dumbledore, initially as a two-parter. Again Ms Rowling will be on hand to keep the bearded Kiwi in check.
In the same way that Batman V Superman bucks the trend by being a fight between two heroes, rather than two villains, Gandalf V Dumbledore will initially be enlisted to help one another for the greater good, but will be turned against one another in their bid to banish evil and restore order to the world.
The two greatest wizards ever seen, charged with keeping the universe falling into the hands of dark forces by travelling through many dimensions, will slowly feel the strain pulling at their relationship as Dumbledore's slow and measured approach frustrates the more quick-tempered Gandalf.
Their bickering soon becomes violent, and they become engaged in a battle which could tear through time and space, causing untold destruction across all the dimensions.