Batman vs Superman Movie: 10 Choices For Recasting Commissioner Gordon

10. The Top Cop Commissioner: Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas First of all, let's start with the basics of portraying Commissioner Gordon. This is a man who has held Gotham City together through an escalating series of catastrophes, slowly working his way up from the outsider Captain from Chicago to the highest figure of law and order in a city dominated by the criminal, the corrupt and the mad. From the information we've been given so far, Batman vs Superman is going to introduce us to a Dark Knight who has been established for years, having steadily built up a reputation for shutting down any devious plots involving reservoir poisonings, feline-themed larceny and complex puzzle clues. It makes sense to make him more experienced €“ a novice, Year One era Batman wouldn't manage to put up much of a fight against Man of Steel's more violent and collateral damage-happy Superman. But that also means Commissioner Gordon has to be a bit older, too. Think Gordon of Batman: The Animated Series, a man who's seen nearly everything Gotham can throw at him, from earthquakes and plagues to multiple Asylum breakouts and villainous children. Douglas brings a calmness to the role that few younger actors could manage, and his recent film work has shown how far his range can stretch. If you want a friendly authority figure who can show us a Gotham that is, mostly, still working despite all the supervillainy, then Douglas is your man. It also helps that he's a known face, a more public figure that people can get behind. Casting him alongside Cavill and Affleck would go a long way to giving some credibility to what is currently perceived as a little bit of a lightweight endeavour acting wise.
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I split my time between Cardiff, and Birmingham, where I work for a youth engagement charity and write about books, films, comics and any crossover between them. Any subject involving Batman, the X-Men or Doctor Who is bound to get me excited.