Billy Crystal: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

4. Larry - Throw Momma From The Train

This mean-spirited black comedy is the Hitchcock inspired tale of two men €“ played by Danny DeVito and Crystal €“ who agree to commit murder for each other. After his evil ex-wife is bumped off, Crystal agrees to kill DeVito€™s horrible old mother; something that€™s much easier said than done.

For a film with such a dark premise Throw Momma From The Train is surprisingly sweet, thanks to the growing friendship between the two would-be killers. Crystal was only just becoming a big deal when he made the film, and it helped cement his status as a star. He acts as the straight man to DeVito€™s oddball, but becomes increasingly stressed out as the story progresses. When he eventually lets loose, it feels like a massive release for him and the audience.

The movie works because the leads €“ including Anne Ramsey, the actress playing Momma - have great chemistry together, and it€™s impossible not to feel sorry for the two idiots even knowing their planned crime.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.