Black Panther Movie: 8 Ways Marvel Have Been Building Towards It For Years

8. Wakanda Is Marked As A Hot Spot In Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 suffered from trying to set up The Avengers and cramming in references to other planned movies, which lead to lots of fun easter eggs but not much story to go with them. At least it shows Marvel's commitment to forward planning, as they teased Black Panther all the way back to 2010. Midway through the movie Tony Stark meets up with Nick Fury to discuss the Avengers Initiative a bit more, and they meet in a room brimming with references to future and past movies. One TV monitor is playing news footage from The Incredible Hulk, while various holographic maps are displaying meaningful locations like the crater where Thor€™s hammer fell. Another one marks the location of Wakanda in Africa, which is ruled over by Black Panther. The movie doesn't point any of this out, it's just there for people to notice on repeat viewings. It was also the first hint of Marvel€™s future plans for the character; plans that wouldn't come to fruition for a long time.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.