Every Martin Scorsese Movie Ranked Worst To Best

2. Taxi Driver (1976)

Martin Scorsese Films Ranked
Columbia Pictures

Taxi Driver's malevolently dark, moody portrayal of New York perfectly captures the war inside the mind of its eponymous character, Travis Bickle (a career-defining Robert De Niro), who becomes obsessed with the darkness, death and moral decay that surrounds him.

A staggering assessment of mental anguish, obsession and post-Vietnam America, Taxi Driver is a tough sit, full of hopeless lost souls and depravity, and much like The King of Comedy it and its tragic central characters have become more relevant with every year since its release.

Scorsese's greatest character study, Taxi Driver is a brutal portrayal of male rage, loneliness, disillusionment and violence that keeps you guessing right until its dreamlike finale. It shouldn't be possible for one man to pack so much into one film, but Scorsese makes it look frighteningly easy.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.