Every Star Trek Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

10. The Duras Sisters

Borg Queen Star Trek Picard

Star Trek: Generations was blessed with more than one strong villain for the Enterprise-D to face up against. In fact, crossing over from The Next Generation, Lursa and B'etor are at their most devious here, working with Soran to develop a trilithium bomb, and commandeering Geordi LaForge's sight. There was a price to pay for this though, one that Gowron actor Robert O'Reilly joked about in an interview for Deep Space Nine.

When asked how he felt about not being written into one of the Star Trek films, he said that he was delighted! Appearing, as a villain, in a Trek movie generally meant a death sentence. So it was for the Duras Sisters who, despite having the advantage of a camera pointed at the Enterprise's shield frequencies, were hopelessly outmatched once the Galaxy-class ship caught its bearings.

They were dispatched quickly and succinctly with a single torpedo, ending their attack and preventing any future attempts to overthrow the Klingon Empire again. However, they manage to secure their position on this list because, despite everything, they succeed in destroying the Enterprise-D by causing a Warp Core Breach. They may not have been honourable and they may not have been all that successful in life, but in death, it can be said that they got the last laugh.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick