Every Star Wars Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Evil Anakin Skywalker

Star Wars Villains

One of the biggest issues with the prequels is they robbed Anakin of his mystical status, turning him into a whiny manchild who inadvertently destroys everything he loves. The choice of actor probably didn’t help much, but even if Daniel Day-Lewis was playing the character it’s hard to see how the material could be improved on.

That said, there’s a certain sadness in seeing Anakin’s gradual decline, and I defy any fan of the saga not to feel bummed out when he kills the Jedi younglings. Even after he helps the Emperor seize control and destroy the Jedi, he whines on that he did the right thing, meaning there’s great satisfaction in seeing Obi-Wan dismember and leave the little brat to cook in lava.

Plus he was given the ultimate coolness rebirth when he became Darth Vader, so it’s all good.

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