Every Star Wars Movie Villain Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Kylo Ren

Star Wars Villains

While many fault JJ Abrams storytelling abilities – and to be fair, there’s often a lot to fault – he was quite smart with Kylo Ren. Instead of having him be an all-conquering badass to rival Darth Vader, instead he's an insecure manchild trying desperately to live up to a legacy he’s no match for.

This made him far more interesting than being an emotionless wrecking machine, making the moment he kills his father Han Solo all the more impactful. It was a given Harrison Ford would only come back for one movie, but having Solo's death be the moment Ren turns to the dark side forever is the kind of operatic storytelling Star Wars can get away with.

Time will tell if Kylo can be redeemed, but killing one of cinema;s most iconic heroes is a good way to net a high ranking on this list.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.