Every X-Men Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Deadpool

XMen Movies
20th Century Fox

There's a reason Deadpool's release was met with a torrent of praise: not only shoudl Fox be heartily congratulated for making an R-Rated comic book movie that actually made some money, but they also did the right thing in casting Ryan Reynolds.

On the surface, Reynolds is comic book movie poison: he's been in several of them, and pretty much all have been a bust. The fact that he'd even already played a bastardised version of Deadpool can't have had studio execs exactly excited. To let him have free reign of anything as brave as an R-rated, fourth wall breaking comic book movie should have been dismissed as mental illness.

But press ahead they did and the result is the Ryan Reynolds show. He's hilarious, he's scathing, he's energising and new and fresh... It's just that he's in a bit of a paint by numbers film. That's to be expected to a degree: you don't want to root for anyone else when Deadpool's the main attraction, but it's just a shame that they had to rely on such poor, generic villains and a simple plot.

It's still a good film, but for all its labels as innovative, it doesn't really shake all that much up aside from Deadpool himself.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.