EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

9. X-Men: First Class

X Men Ranking

Now we're getting to the real peaks of the X-Men franchise.

First Class was the first movie that diverged away from the original cast that fans had come to love. It was a huge risk from Fox given the popularity of actors such as Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, and Hugh Jackman.

The new timeline brought younger versions of many of the original characters to explore Xavier and Magneto's origin. It was clear throughout the first Bryan Singer trilogy that the two mentoring mutants had some estranged history together. With James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender taking up the mantle, audiences were able to witness the doomed friendship between the two.

What First Class does brilliantly is pit the two ideologies of Magneto and Xavier against one another while still showing they have several things in common. The ensemble of new and returning mutants was also refreshing with the inclusion of Banshee, Havok, Azazel, and Darwin.

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