EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

10. Wolverine And The X-Men

X Men Ranking
Marvel Entertainment

Wolverine and the X-Men is the more modern version of the formula adapted to the small screen.

The show holds no punches and immediately kicks off with the disappearance of Professor Xavier and the departure of several key X-Men. It is later up to Logan to go and recruit his former comrades against a looming sentinel threat.

Created by Kevin Feige and other veteran Marvel animation members, the show did feature some incredible set pieces and storylines. In a surprisingly refreshing way, the show does little handholding and thrusts viewers into the story. The show understands that the audience has most likely some basic understanding of the X-Men universe at this point.

Unfortunately, the show suffers from an over-reliance on Wolverine as a lead character during an already overly saturated Logan mediascape. Wolverine and the X-Men does little to set itself apart from the existing silver screen counterparts than fans have grown to love.

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