EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

8. Deadpool 2

X Men Ranking

Deadpool 2 is a rather tricky one to place on this list.

While it does have incredible moments and attempts to build upon the success of the previous film, there are a few areas it falls short on.

One of the main gripes is the decision to kill off Morena Baccarin's Vanessa. Many were hoping Vanessa would adopt her super alter ego, Copycat after being exposed to the same chamber as Wade at the end of the last movie. Her death is so meaningless, in fact, that her character is revived Superman-style in the end credits.

While Deadpool's story evolved rather organically, the seemingly random death of Vanessa seems forced and undermines the first film's emotional final moments.

There are also some questionable CGI scenes including the fight with Cable on the prison truck and multiple sequences with the Juggernaut and Colossus.

While Deadpool 2 is a great film it falls just short of surpassing the first one.

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