EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

7. Legion

X Men Ranking

Legion is an absolutely off-the-chain thrill ride to the senses.

No two episodes are the same as the show tackles what it is like for protagonist David Haller to live with his mutant abilities that manifest as a form of schizophrenia. Not even the characters know what is real and what isn't as several powerful psychic mutants battle for the future of David's mind.

An episode could go from a horror chase scene to a Bollywood dance number in the next breath.

Legion is witty, dark, and full of surprises but suffers from similar issues to The Gifted as it often feels disconnected to the X-Men franchise. Thankfully towards the end of the series, fans get hints towards David's true parentage and why the villain, The Shadow King, is so hell-bent on taking over his mind.

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