EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

6. X-Men

X Men Ranking
20th Century Fox

The one that kicked off over a decade of cinematic releases.

Terrible toad jokes aside, the very first X-Men film was an excellent introduction to the beloved comics. The only real gripe with this film is that it started the boring trend of plain black leather jumpsuits which would come to be a recurring disappointment throughout the franchise.

Apart from the costume department, the rest of the movie is exceptional with perfect casting, exciting action, and accurate depictions of the comic book characters and their personalities.

The ongoing struggle Rogue has with her powers and her relationship with Wolverine is some of the best character growth in the movie. This is why the later sidelining of Rogue is so disappointing as she is the audience's introduction to what being a mutant is really like.

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