EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best
15. X-Men: The Last Stand

Fox just can't seem to handle the Dark Phoenix saga. What probably sounded good on paper culminated in an overcrowded and disappointing end to a brilliant trilogy.
This movie came out a year prior to Spider-Man 3 so Marvel fans were not yet accustomed to being utterly let down by terrible conclusions to beloved comic book movies.
The problems are manifold. Firstly, the finale introduced a lot of characters and plotlines for seemingly no reason. Magneto had an entirely new set of goons that received no development despite including fan favs the Juggernaut and Multiple Man.
Then any progress between Ice-Man and Rogue was cast aside in favour of new love interest Kitty Pryde. They also kill Cyclops in the opening moments of the movie to focus on Wolverine and Jean's relationship. Angel is then thrown in there for some reason. Nothing is given space to breathe and nothing works.
The movie also contradicts everything the X-Men message stands for: telling the audience by the end that mutants are bad and the best thing to do is "cure" them. What started as an analogy for racial tensions in America ends in a battle between humans soldiers and the X-Men killing countless mutants.
There is no resolution to the conflict, no intellectual battle of ideologies, just a big old fistfight until Jean evaporates everyone.