EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

14. The Wolverine

X Men Ranking

The Wolverine could have been something exceptional but shied away from fully embracing its comic book roots.

Based on the comic book series of the same name the story revolved around Wolverine's journey throughout Japan, The Wolverine had the opportunity to go outside the box. Sadly, this ended up with a very strange interpretation of the source material by having the Silver Samurai manifest as a Thor villain-esque suit of armour.

This movie had a lot of promise and definitely improved upon the abysmal X-Men Origins but failed to fully embrace the comic book. Ironically the Wolverine graphic novel is much more grounded and doesn't feature any spiritual murder robots. Instead, the comic version of the Silver Samurai is depicted as either a mutant or a technological genius. Both depictions feature a human inside of a silver suit of armour and not a hulking machine.

The worst offense this movie commits, however, is a false promise that Hugh Jackman would eventually don the classic Wolverine costume. During a deleted scene, Logan boards a plane and opens a briefcase containing the iconic comic book mask. This easter egg would eventually prove to be irrelevant as the mask would never be shown or mentioned again.

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