EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

13. The Gifted

X Men Ranking

The Gifted was an interesting take on "what if we had an X-Men show without any X-Men?"

The show focused on lesser-known characters like Blink and Polaris, Thunderbird, and the Frost Sisters in a world where the X-Men had vanished along with Magneto.

Following the story of the Strucker family, two ordinary parents take their children on the run after discovering they have mutant powers. The show sets up the premise that the government themselves are entirely against mutants and seek to capture the children. The series even replaces the classic sentinels with strange spider-like drones under the Sentinel Service.

These changes make the show feel almost entirely disconnected to the wider source material aside from a few name drops every other episode.

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Sugar, spice, and an over abundance of Star Wars references, these were the ingredients chosen to make this content creator.