EVERY X-Men Movie & TV Show Ranked Worst To Best

11. X-Men: Days Of Future Past

X Men Ranking
20th Century Studios

And now we reach the point where the franchise starts to improve significantly.

Days of Future Past is an excellent attempt to combine the two existing timelines into a new continuity. X-Men has and forever will be criticised for its mishandled and confusing timeframe. The franchise regularly retcons characters and concepts by recasting or changing origins entirely in between movies.

This film provided a blank slate to build upon a newly established timeline that combined the two. The main downside is the Charles Ex-Machina of both Xavier and Beast using a drug that reverses their mutant genome to make them human at the cost of their powers.

How this miracle drug fixes Charles' spine is a mystery as it infers the spinal damage is linked to his telepathy. Due to this, the two refuse to help Wolverine in bringing down a raging Magneto as he goes after US government officials.

The final product is overall enjoyable largely due to the nostalgia of seeing Patrick Stuart and Sir Ian McKellen return. Compared to the lower additions on this list, DoFP is a welcome addition to the series.

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