Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

14. Viper/Dr Green & The Black Clan

The Wolverine The Black Clan

Appeared In: The Wolverine

Dr Green (or Viper as she's better known) is the villain in The Wolverine who arguably comes up with the best way of dealing with him, fitting his heart with a mechanical parasite that limits his healing power. She's your typical mysterious side-kick bad guy for the most part and her detachment actually feels conscious unlike some of the other franchise villains.

As for the Black Clan, you might think it's a little enthusiastic to include a group of faceless ninja assassins this high in a ranking - particularly when the last entry was literally a mutant God - but there's just something about coordinated ninja organisations that land with audiences. Why else would the Netflix Marvel shows defer to theirs endlessly...?

The Black Clan - led partly by Harada and partly by Viper/Dr Green (who they at least seem to be answering to) and the Silver Samurai are an interesting force, since they sometimes seem to be helping Logan and sometimes trying to kill him but they're good fun either way.

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