Every X-Men Movie Villain Ranked Worst To Best

12. Pyro

Pyro X-Men

Appeared In: X-Men 1-3

Pyro is what happens when teenage arrogance and a burning sense of entitlement (yes, I went there) overlap with terrifying mutant powers and a fundamental hatred for humans and their arrogance. Pyro should really be Magneto's pet project - his protegee - but his story-telling ends up being slightly fudged by The Last Stand when he defects to the Brotherhood.

He's petulant and passionate and somehow comes through Xavier's school's teaching without those or his arrogance being blunted. Naturally, he's also the third part of the teenage love triangle with Ice Man and Rogue too, which adds a little personal sauce to his villainy, but he's not just a mooning child: he's also above a class 3 level, as confirmed in The Last Stand.

He doesn't get nearly enough of an opportunity to really show off but at least he's not killed on-screen. His death comes as part of the Sentinel genocides.

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